(fr)-(eng) Full Circle Podcast #2: The Full Circle of Light (Brown)

Castellano | Français | English

Estimados oyentes del podcast FCM,

¡El Podcast # 2 ha salido fuera de tiempo! (con retraso)!

El podcast esta en formato MP3 y OGG. Puede reproducir en el navegador siempre que tengan Flash o Java, sino pueden descargar el podcast picando en el enlace debajo del reproductor.

La mezcla de audio esta cada vez mejor (¡de verdad!), ¡escuchela! ...

  • En formato OGG (23.4Mb)
  • En formato MP3 (27.7Mb)
Tiempo de ejecución: 48 minutos 29 segundos

Sus anfitriones:

Con audio adicional, por parte de Victoria Pritchard.

Las notas

2.04 | Welcome and Intro

Ubuntu 64-bit Edition on trial (http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/)

Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Alpha-3 on trial

Gnome-DO (http://groups.google.com/group/gnome-do)

6.34 | Review of Full Circle Issue #34

Game reviews:
* Uplink vs. * Singularity

10.30 | Revisit of Exaile Media Player from Issue #33

11.06 |NEWS

1. All new Ubuntu Branding! (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand)

2. Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 3 is out!

3. Ubuntu One Music Store Sneak Peek

4. New Theme For Ubuntu 10.04 – Human Theme Dropped

5. Updates to the Lucid Software Store

6. Missing icons in Lucid Menu

7. UDS for Ubuntu 10.10 to be held in Belgium

8. Chuck Norris Botnet Affects Linux Routers – malware story

9. Virtual Revolution TV show released as podcast on BBC World Service

(Site: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/documentaries/2010/02/100128_the_virtual_revolution_part_one.shtml)
(Episode #1 http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/worldservice/docarchive/docarchive_20100222-1006a.mp3)

10. Xbox syndrome – concerning black eyes – the “and finally” story

(Sunday Times 21/02/10 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/expert_advice/article7034283.ece)

26.30 | Trailer

27.32 | Opinion: default applications in Lucid Lynx

32.38 | GAMING
Sauerbraten on the Cube-2 engine (http://sauerbraten.org/)
Heads-up on review of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars in Issue #35

42.45 | FEEDBACK
Puede publicar sus comentarios en la página, usando el formulario de comentarios, O; envíenos un comentario a la direccion e-mail: podcast@fullcirclemagazine.org.
También puede enviarnos un pedido para la grabación de un clip de audio de no más de 30 segundos y enviarlo a la misma dirección.
Los comentarios y audio pueden ser editadas para ser adaptados a la longitud del programa.
Por favor, recuerde que esto es un show de amigos y bien familiar.

Creative Commons Music Tracks

  • Opening: ‘Achilles’ by Kevin Macleod (http://music.incompetech.com/royalty-free/Achilles.mp3)
  • Main Theme: ‘Revolve’ by His Boy Elroy (http://ccmixter.org/files/hisboyelroy/430)
  • News Theme: ‘On the Run’ by unknown (http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/free-music-22.html)
  • Gaming, incidental: ‘Dance Zone’ by unknown (http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/free-music-2.html)
  • Trailer: ‘News Theme’ by Kevin Macleod from the Album ‘Utility’ (http://music.incompetech.com/royalty-free/Dangerous.mp3)
Podcast FCM auditeurs,

Le Podcast # 2 est sortie à pris du retard ! (tardivement).

Le podcast est en formats MP3 et OGG. Vous pouvez soit jouer le podcast dans le navigateur Web si vous avez Flash et/ou Java, ou vous pouvez télécharger le podcast avec le lien ci-dessous le lecteur.

Le mix audio est de mieux en mieux (vraiment), reste avec nous ...

  • Format OGG (23.4Mb)
  • Format MP3 (27.7Mb)
Durée: 48 minutes 29 secondes

Vos hôtes:

Sons additionnels par Victoria Pritchard

Afficher les notes

2.04 | Welcome and Intro

Ubuntu 64-bit Edition on trial (http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/)

Ubuntu Lucid Lynx Alpha-3 on trial

Gnome-DO (http://groups.google.com/group/gnome-do)

6.34 | Review of Full Circle Issue #34

Game reviews:
* Uplink vs. * Singularity

10.30 | Revisit of Exaile Media Player from Issue #33

11.06 |NEWS

1. All new Ubuntu Branding! (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Brand)

2. Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 3 is out!

3. Ubuntu One Music Store Sneak Peek

4. New Theme For Ubuntu 10.04 – Human Theme Dropped

5. Updates to the Lucid Software Store

6. Missing icons in Lucid Menu

7. UDS for Ubuntu 10.10 to be held in Belgium

8. Chuck Norris Botnet Affects Linux Routers – malware story

9. Virtual Revolution TV show released as podcast on BBC World Service
(Site: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/documentaries/2010/02/100128_the_virtual_revolution_part_one.shtml)
(Episode #1 http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/worldservice/docarchive/docarchive_20100222-1006a.mp3)

10. Xbox syndrome – concerning black eyes – the “and finally” story
(Sunday Times 21/02/10 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/expert_advice/article7034283.ece)

26.30 | Trailer

27.32 | Opinion: default applications in Lucid Lynx

32.38 | GAMING

Sauerbraten on the Cube-2 engine (http://sauerbraten.org/)
Heads-up on review of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars in Issue #35

42.45 | FEEDBACK
Commentaires sur le site, en utilisant le formulaire de commentaire, OU; envoyez-nous un commentaire à podcast@fullcirclemagazine.org.
Vous pouvez également nous envoyer un commentaire en enregistrant un clip audio de ne pas plus de 30 secondes et l'envoyer à la même adresse.
Commentaires et audio doivent être édité en fonction de la longueur.
S'il vous plaît, souvenez-vous que ceci n'est qu'une show familier et amical.

Creative Commons Music Tracks

  • Opening: ‘Achilles’ by Kevin Macleod (http://music.incompetech.com/royalty-free/Achilles.mp3)
  • Main Theme: ‘Revolve’ by His Boy Elroy (http://ccmixter.org/files/hisboyelroy/430)
  • News Theme: ‘On the Run’ by unknown (http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/free-music-22.html)
  • Gaming, incidental: ‘Dance Zone’ by unknown (http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/free-music-2.html)
  • Trailer: ‘News Theme’ by Kevin Macleod from the Album ‘Utility’ (http://music.incompetech.com/royalty-free/Dangerous.mp3)